Friday, June 25, 2010

Places To Go, People To See

Another confession… I’d like to call it research, but I spend entirely too much time surfing other photographers’ websites. I’m addicted. I look at website design, I watch what others are charging, I even try to find out how busy everyone has been. But most of all, I study their shots. I look the colors, I study and try to reverse-engineer their lighting and editing. Recently, my eye has gone straight to the backgrounds.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve complained about the lack of interesting locations around town to shoot. And every time that happens (most of the time right before a shoot), my dear Hal loads me up in the car and we drive aimlessly around town searching for that needle in the haystack; that one golden place that nobody else knows about. Most of the time we go back home empty-handed, I rant and rave that we’ve already used up all the “good places,” and we settle on a location that I’m no longer thrilled about for our next shoot.